Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Atlantic-Fulton Strip, 13th of January

You can read different layers, forming different systems, into the strip, running from the Atlantic Avenue to Fulton Street:
A residential zone in between those two axes, occasionally interrupted by a public function like a sport field, hospital and a high school.
  1. The grid.
  2. The importance of the Atlantic Avenue and Fulton Street as two major functional axes, manufactering/industrial for the Atlantic Avenue and commercial for Fulton Street.
  3. A residential zone, lying in between those two axes, occasionally interrupted by public functions like a sport field, hospital and a high school.
  4. The contrast between the two orthogonal directions which is also clearly in their use. The dominant longitudinal direction is used by cars, subway and the LIRR. The transverse, less vivible direction is used by buses but most of all by the pedestrians.
There are different ways to break through the longitudinal direction: by working with high buildings, pulling views into the strip; by interrupting a building block; by extending functions into the strip or by forming different links of other functions in the strip itself.

Pictured is Suydam Pl. as an example of how this could translate on an actual street in the strip.
There are three new functions added in the residential area, from bottom to top those are: a skate park, playground and a little park with seating area.
Adding these new small public functions into the strip, can help form a more inviting neighborhood.


  1. Hi Antrees,

    Following up on Tom's comments during our last meeting, I would like to add a few elements, as i agree with Tom's general remarks.

    - your analysis could also include a series of drawings that address the 3rd and 4th dimension (building heights, infrastructure above and under-ground, existing transformations over time, occupation differences during the day, traffic flows and it's specific problematic given you are working on one of the main arteries of Brooklyn's traffic system.

    - the actual strategy for intervention needs to address the complexity of the site, and indeed should differ according to the location, though all interventions might aim for a similar goal, the means of doing so can be varied.

    - include the different scale systems: scale of connecting neighborhoods north and south of the strip, but also the scale of the connection east west and towards manhattan, scales of building blocks and socio-demographic boundaries as defined in your earlier mapping on Crown heights.

  2. Dag Antrees,

    Voor de opbouw van je studie kan je je misschien baseren op dit infrastructuurmasterplan en de gebruikte grafiek voor de singel in Antwerpen. Er wordt hier ook vanschaal gewisseld en ingezoomd op specifieke projecten.
